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[[File:sharism.jpg|right|Sharism new concept for future world]]
'''Sharismo: un paradigma collaborativo per il futuro del mondo'''
'''Sharismo: un paradigma collaborativo per il futuro del mondo'''

Lo sharismo è una filosofia socio-economica che enfatizza la condivisione di informazioni, conoscenze e risorse all'interno di una comunità. Il termine deriva dalla combinazione di "condividere" e "ism", che riflette una filosofia che incoraggia la collaborazione, l'apertura e il libero scambio di idee.  
Lo sharismo è una filosofia socio-economica che enfatizza la condivisione di informazioni, conoscenze e risorse all'interno di una comunità. Il termine deriva dalla combinazione di "condividere" e "ism", che riflette una filosofia che incoraggia la collaborazione, l'apertura e il libero scambio di idee.

Lo sharismo è spesso associato all'era digitale e all'ascesa dei social media e delle piattaforme di collaborazione online.
Lo sharismo è spesso associato all'era digitale e all'ascesa dei social media e delle piattaforme di collaborazione online.
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* Garantisce un accesso equo alle risorse e alle opportunità per tutti i membri della società.
* Garantisce un accesso equo alle risorse e alle opportunità per tutti i membri della società.
* Mira ad affrontare le forti disuguaglianze prevalenti nei modelli economici tradizionali.
* Mira ad affrontare le forti disuguaglianze prevalenti nei modelli economici tradizionali.
===  Sostenibilità: ===
* Promuove l'uso responsabile delle risorse e sottolinea la gestione ambientale.
* riconosce l'importanza delle pratiche sostenibili per il benessere del pianeta e delle generazioni future.
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===  Knowledge Commons ===
Sharism encourages the creation of knowledge commons, shared spaces where information is freely available to everyone. This stands in contrast to more proprietary or closed approaches to knowledge and information.

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=== Sustainability: ===
=== Trust ===
* Promotes responsible use of resources and emphasizes environmental stewardship.
Sharism requires us to trust others to use our shared resources responsibly.
* Acknowledges the importance of sustainable practices for the well-being of the planet and future generations.

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=== Knowledge Commons ===
=== Reciprocity ===
Sharism encourages the creation of knowledge commons, shared spaces where information is freely available to everyone. This stands in contrast to more proprietary or closed approaches to knowledge and information.
Sharism is based on the principle of giving and receiving.

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Sharism, as a philosophy emphasizing collaboration, openness, and shared prosperity, has significant implications for social dynamics. Here's how Sharism intersects with various aspects of social interactions: [[Sharism and Social]]
Sharism, as a philosophy emphasizing collaboration, openness, and shared prosperity, has significant implications for social dynamics. Here's how Sharism intersects with various aspects of social interactions: [[Sharism and Social]]
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= [[Sharism and Media]] =
In the dynamic landscape of media, Sharism emerges as a transformative force, reshaping the way information is shared, consumed, and created. This chapter delves into the intersection of Sharism and media, exploring the profound impact it has on journalism, content creation, and the overall media ecosystem.

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Sharism and Artificial Intelligence (AI) represent two influential forces shaping the future of societies and technology. Each brings a unique perspective and set of principles, and their intersection holds the potential for transformative changes in the way we collaborate, innovate, and navigate the evolving landscape of the digital era. Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into the framework of sharism can amplify the positive impact of technology on collaboration, knowledge sharing, and community building  
Sharism and Artificial Intelligence (AI) represent two influential forces shaping the future of societies and technology. Each brings a unique perspective and set of principles, and their intersection holds the potential for transformative changes in the way we collaborate, innovate, and navigate the evolving landscape of the digital era. Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into the framework of sharism can amplify the positive impact of technology on collaboration, knowledge sharing, and community building  
Here about [[Sharism and Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future]]
Here about [[Sharism and Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future]]
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= [[Sharism and CyberHumanism]] =
Sharism and cyberhumanism are two concepts that share affinity with technology and society but focus on different aspects and have distinct origins and approaches.

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= [[Sharism and Charity]] =
= [[Sharism and Charity]] =
Incorporating charity within the framework of sharism extends the philosophy beyond mere business transactions to embrace social responsibility and collective well-being. Here's how charity fits into the concept of sharism:
Incorporating charity within the framework of sharism extends the philosophy beyond mere business transactions to embrace social responsibility and collective well-being. Here's how charity fits into the concept of sharism.
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Charity and sharism, though distinct concepts, share a fundamental philosophy of giving and collective good. Integrating charity within a sharism framework holds exciting possibilities, both for charities and the communities they serve.

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= [[Sharism and Cross-Border - Internationalizations]] =
= [[Sharism and Cross-Border - Internationalizations]] =
Incorporating a cross-border perspective into the framework of sharism extends the principles of collaboration, sharing, and interconnectedness beyond local or national boundaries. Here's how the cross-border element aligns with sharism:
Incorporating a cross-border perspective into the framework of sharism extends the principles of collaboration, sharing, and interconnectedness beyond local or national boundaries.
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= [[Sharism and Mobility]] =
The concept of Sharism intersects with mobility in various ways, particularly in the realm of transportation and urban planning.
Overall, Sharism's focus on collaboration, openness, and sustainability offers valuable insights and approaches for reimagining mobility in ways that promote accessibility, equity, and environmental stewardship

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Climate change poses one of the most significant challenges to the global community, necessitating innovative solutions. In this context, the principles of Sharism, with its emphasis on collaboration, openness, and sustainability, can play a crucial role in addressing and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Continue here [[Sharism and Climate Change: Fostering Sustainable Collaboration]]
Climate change poses one of the most significant challenges to the global community, necessitating innovative solutions. In this context, the principles of Sharism, with its emphasis on collaboration, openness, and sustainability, can play a crucial role in addressing and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Continue here [[Sharism and Climate Change: Fostering Sustainable Collaboration]]
= Sharism in Action =
::- '''[[Case studies]]''': Examining specific case studies of businesses and charities successfully implementing sharism principles, identifying key learnings and challenges.
::- '''Emerging trends''': Identifying emerging trends within the sharing economy and their potential implications for businesses and charities embracing sharism.
::- '''Global perspectives''': Exploring how sharism manifests and adapts across different cultures and economic contexts.
::- '''Sharism and other social movements''': Exploring potential connections and synergies between sharism and other social movements like the open-source movement, collaborative consumption, and the commons.
::- '''Sharism and the future of work''': Examining how sharism might impact the future of work, including trends like remote work, collaborative platforms, and the gig economy.
::- '''Sharism and education''': Exploring the potential of sharism to transform education through open-source educational resources, peer-to-peer learning, and collaborative knowledge creation.
Sharism is a dynamic and evolving concept. By continuing to explore its potential and challenges, we can work towards creating a more collaborative, equitable, and sustainable future for businesses, charities, and society as a whole.
= [[Potential challenges and criticisms]] =
While sharism presents a compelling vision of collaborative, community-centered living, it is not without its challenges and criticisms. Examining these aspects provides a more nuanced understanding of the ideology. Here are potential challenges and criticisms of the sharism ideology

Latest revision as of 12:03, 14 May 2024

Sharismo: un paradigma collaborativo per il futuro del mondo

Lo sharismo è una filosofia socio-economica che enfatizza la condivisione di informazioni, conoscenze e risorse all'interno di una comunità. Il termine deriva dalla combinazione di "condividere" e "ism", che riflette una filosofia che incoraggia la collaborazione, l'apertura e il libero scambio di idee.

Lo sharismo è spesso associato all'era digitale e all'ascesa dei social media e delle piattaforme di collaborazione online.

Lo sharismo è una filosofia emergente che sfida le norme convenzionali dell'individualismo e della competizione che dominano i sistemi economici tradizionali.

In risposta alle evidenti disuguaglianze, al degrado ambientale e alla frammentazione sociale derivante da questi sistemi, lo Sharismo immagina un futuro costruito sui principi di collaboration, condivisione aperta e benessere collettivo.

Principi chiave dello Sharism:

Se da un lato lo sharismo ha connotazioni positive legate alla collaborazione e alla democratizzazione dell'informazione, dall'altro solleva interrogativi sulla privacy, sulla proprietà intellettuale e sul potenziale di sovraccarico dell'informazione.

Bilanciare i benefici della condivisione con i diritti e le responsabilità individuali rimane un argomento di discussione nel panorama in evoluzione della condivisione delle informazioni e della collaborazione digitale.


  • Sottolinea lavorare insieme per risolvere le sfide, condividere le risorse e raggiungere obiettivi collettivi.
  • Incoraggia il passaggio dal successo individuale a un modello in cui la prosperità si intreccia con il bene della comunità.


  • È favorevole alla trasparenza nella condivisione delle informazioni, alla fiducia e alla promozione dell'innovazione.
  • Sfida l'idea convenzionale di accumulare conoscenze e risorse a favore di una collaborazione aperta.

Open Source

  • Il movimento open-source si allinea con i principi dello sharism. Si tratta di rendere il codice sorgente liberamente disponibile per gli altri per visualizzare, modificare e distribuire, consentendo il miglioramento continuo e l'innovazione.


  • Garantisce un accesso equo alle risorse e alle opportunità per tutti i membri della società.
  • Mira ad affrontare le forti disuguaglianze prevalenti nei modelli economici tradizionali.


  • Promuove l'uso responsabile delle risorse e sottolinea la gestione ambientale.
  • riconosce l'importanza delle pratiche sostenibili per il benessere del pianeta e delle generazioni future.

Knowledge Commons

Sharism encourages the creation of knowledge commons, shared spaces where information is freely available to everyone. This stands in contrast to more proprietary or closed approaches to knowledge and information.


Sharism requires us to trust others to use our shared resources responsibly.


Sharism is based on the principle of giving and receiving.

Sharism, as a burgeoning ideology, stands distinctively amidst the established socio-political-economic ideologies. In this comparative analysis, we delve into how Sharism contrasts with and aligns with various ideologies, including Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, and Conservatism.

Sharism as a Response:

Sharism positions itself as a transformative path forward, challenging the core tenets of traditional economic systems. By proposing a framework centered on collaboration, openness, equity, and sustainability, Sharism offers a potential solution to the profound contemporary problems. It invites individuals and communities to reimagine a future where the collective well-being takes precedence, and economic models prioritize collaboration over competition.

Key elements of Sharism as a socio-political and economic ideology

Sharism, as a socio-political and economic ideology, is rooted in the principles of open collaboration, information sharing, and community engagement. It envisions a society where individuals voluntarily share resources, knowledge, and experiences for the collective well-being of the community. While sharism is not a fully formed or widely recognized ideology like some other socio-political and economic systems, it encapsulates a set of values and practices that emphasize cooperation, inclusivity, and the positive impacts of shared efforts.

Sharism as a more comprehensive socio-political ideology

To transform sharism into a more comprehensive socio-political ideology, several elements could be considered to provide a structured framework for governance, societal organization, and decision-making. Here are key elements that can be incorporated to shape sharism as a socio-political ideology:

Contemporary Challenges and the Need for a New Ideology:

In the face of the digital revolution and the rise of Artificial Intelligence, current global leadership finds itself ill-equipped with traditional ideological tools. The failures of both past communism and recent capitalism have left a void in terms of a suitable ideology for managing the emerging digital-based society.

Sharism doctrine

Developing a doctrine for sharism involves outlining a set of guiding principles, values, and practices that define the socio-political, economic, and cultural aspects of the ideology. Here's an outline for a sharism doctrine:

Sharism principles

Principles for sharism encompass the foundational values and guidelines that guide the socio-political, economic, and cultural aspects of the ideology. These principles emphasize open collaboration, community well-being, and the shared prosperity of individuals. Here's a set of principles for sharism:

Historical Context:

Throughout human history, various socio-political-economic ideologies have emerged in response to changing circumstances. These ideologies, acting as guiding threads, have shaped past societies by introducing new values and models that guide their present and future.

Communism and capitalism, born as contingent solutions during the industrial revolution, addressed the economic shifts brought about by new machines and technological innovations. The transition from craftsmanship to large-scale industrial production significantly contributed to the modernization of societies.

The Birth of a Vision: Evolution of Ideologies

In the journey of human history, ideologies have served as guiding principles, shaping societies, influencing individual values, and providing a framework for navigating the complexities of the world. The evolution of ideologies reflects the dynamic nature of human thought and societal structures. This chapter explores the historical context and the transformative phases that led to the emergence of Sharism as a distinct and contemporary ideology.

Comparative Summary

- Collaboration Over Competition: Sharism contrasts with the competitive nature of capitalism and introduces collaboration as a central tenet.
- Equity and Fair Access: Similar to socialism, Sharism values equity but navigates beyond traditional state-centric models.
- Individual Rights with a Collective Focus: Aligning with liberalism, Sharism values individual rights but encourages contributions to collective well-being.
- Adaptability and Grassroots Collaboration: Sharism shares progressivism's commitment to positive change but emphasizes decentralized, grassroots collaboration.
- Individual Responsibility with a Collaborative Ethos: While conservatism values individual responsibility, Sharism introduces collaboration and shared prosperity.

Through this comparative analysis, we gain insights into how Sharism presents a unique ideology, addressing contemporary challenges with a focus on collaboration, openness, equity, and sustainability.

Sharism and Economy

Designing an economy for sharism involves establishing a framework that aligns with the principles of open collaboration, sharing of resources, and community engagement. Here's an outline for an economy within the context of sharism:

In the context of business, the principles of sharism can be applied to foster innovation, collaboration, and sustainable practices. Discover how business fits into the framework of sharism here Sharism and Business

While adopting sharism principles in business can lead to numerous benefits, it also requires a careful balance between openness and protecting sensitive information. Companies need to navigate the challenges of sharing while maintaining ethical standards, privacy, and intellectual property rights.

Sharism, as a philosophy emphasizing collaboration, openness, and shared prosperity, has significant implications for social dynamics. Here's how Sharism intersects with various aspects of social interactions: Sharism and Social

Sharism and Media

In the dynamic landscape of media, Sharism emerges as a transformative force, reshaping the way information is shared, consumed, and created. This chapter delves into the intersection of Sharism and media, exploring the profound impact it has on journalism, content creation, and the overall media ecosystem.

While sharism promotes positive aspects of social collaboration, it also raises questions about privacy, individual rights, and the balance between open sharing and personal boundaries. These considerations remain essential in navigating the evolving landscape of social interactions in a sharism-inspired context.

Sharism and Artificial Intelligence (AI) represent two influential forces shaping the future of societies and technology. Each brings a unique perspective and set of principles, and their intersection holds the potential for transformative changes in the way we collaborate, innovate, and navigate the evolving landscape of the digital era. Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into the framework of sharism can amplify the positive impact of technology on collaboration, knowledge sharing, and community building Here about Sharism and Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future

Sharism and CyberHumanism

Sharism and cyberhumanism are two concepts that share affinity with technology and society but focus on different aspects and have distinct origins and approaches.

Sharism and Finance

Creating a financial system for sharism involves establishing mechanisms that align with the principles of open collaboration, resource sharing, and community well-being. Here's an outline for a finance system within the context of sharism: Sharism and Finance

Implementing a financial system for sharism requires active community involvement, transparency, and a commitment to shared values. Regular evaluations and adjustments are crucial to ensure that financial activities align with the principles of sharism and contribute to the well-being of the entire community.

Sharism and Charity

Incorporating charity within the framework of sharism extends the philosophy beyond mere business transactions to embrace social responsibility and collective well-being. Here's how charity fits into the concept of sharism.

Charity and sharism, though distinct concepts, share a fundamental philosophy of giving and collective good. Integrating charity within a sharism framework holds exciting possibilities, both for charities and the communities they serve.

Sharism and Ecosystems

Integrating the concept of an ecosystem into sharism further emphasizes the interconnectedness of various elements within a community, promoting a holistic and sustainable approach. Here's how the ecosystem perspective aligns with sharism:

Sharism and Cross-Border - Internationalizations

Incorporating a cross-border perspective into the framework of sharism extends the principles of collaboration, sharing, and interconnectedness beyond local or national boundaries.

Sharism and Mobility

The concept of Sharism intersects with mobility in various ways, particularly in the realm of transportation and urban planning. Overall, Sharism's focus on collaboration, openness, and sustainability offers valuable insights and approaches for reimagining mobility in ways that promote accessibility, equity, and environmental stewardship

Experiential Sharism

Sharism and Music

Incorporating music into the concept of sharism adds an artistic and cultural dimension to the collaborative and sharing philosophy. Here's how music aligns with sharism principles:

Sharism and Travel

Incorporating travel into the concept of sharism expands the collaborative and sharing philosophy to the realm of exploration, cultural exchange, and shared experiences. Here's how travel aligns with sharism principles:

Sharism and Education

Integrating education into the concept of sharism emphasizes the collaborative and open sharing of knowledge, skills, and learning experiences. Here's how education aligns with sharism principles:

Sharism and Sport

Incorporating sports into the concept of sharism brings the principles of collaboration, teamwork, and community engagement to athletic pursuits. Here's how sports align with sharism principles:

Sharism and Certification

Incorporating certification into the concept of sharism underscores the importance of recognizing and sharing skills, knowledge, and expertise within a community. Here's how certification aligns with sharism principles:

Sharism and Climate Change: Fostering Sustainable Collaboration

Climate change poses one of the most significant challenges to the global community, necessitating innovative solutions. In this context, the principles of Sharism, with its emphasis on collaboration, openness, and sustainability, can play a crucial role in addressing and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Continue here Sharism and Climate Change: Fostering Sustainable Collaboration

Sharism in Action

- Case studies: Examining specific case studies of businesses and charities successfully implementing sharism principles, identifying key learnings and challenges.
- Emerging trends: Identifying emerging trends within the sharing economy and their potential implications for businesses and charities embracing sharism.
- Global perspectives: Exploring how sharism manifests and adapts across different cultures and economic contexts.
- Sharism and other social movements: Exploring potential connections and synergies between sharism and other social movements like the open-source movement, collaborative consumption, and the commons.
- Sharism and the future of work: Examining how sharism might impact the future of work, including trends like remote work, collaborative platforms, and the gig economy.
- Sharism and education: Exploring the potential of sharism to transform education through open-source educational resources, peer-to-peer learning, and collaborative knowledge creation.

Sharism is a dynamic and evolving concept. By continuing to explore its potential and challenges, we can work towards creating a more collaborative, equitable, and sustainable future for businesses, charities, and society as a whole.

Potential challenges and criticisms

While sharism presents a compelling vision of collaborative, community-centered living, it is not without its challenges and criticisms. Examining these aspects provides a more nuanced understanding of the ideology. Here are potential challenges and criticisms of the sharism ideology