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Sharism new concept for future world
Sharism new concept for future world

Sharism: A Collaborative Paradigm for the future of the world.

Sharism is a socio-economic philosophy that emphasizes the sharing of information, knowledge, and resources within a community. The term is derived from the combination of "share" and "ism," reflecting a philosophy that encourages collaboration, openness, and the free exchange of ideas.

Sharism is often associated with the digital age and the rise of social media and online collaboration platforms. Sharism is an emerging philosophy that challenges the conventional norms of individualism and competition dominating traditional economic systems.

In response to the evident inequalities, environmental degradation, and social fragmentation stemming from these systems, Sharism envisions a future built on principles of collaboration, open sharing, and collective well-being.

Key Tenets of Sharism:

While sharism has positive connotations related to collaboration and the democratization of information, it also raises questions about privacy, intellectual property, and the potential for information overload. Balancing the benefits of sharing with individual rights and responsibilities remains a topic of discussion in the evolving landscape of information sharing and digital collaboration.


  • Emphasizes working together to solve challenges, share resources, and achieve collective goals.
  • Encourages a shift from individual success to a model where prosperity is intertwined with the greater good of the community.


  • Advocates for transparency in information sharing, fostering trust and promoting innovation.
  • Challenges the conventional idea of hoarding knowledge and resources in favor of open collaboration.=== 4. Open Source ===
  • The open-source movement aligns with the principles of sharism. It involves making source code freely available for others to view, modify, and distribute, allowing for continuous improvement and innovation.


  • Ensures fair access to resources and opportunities for all members of society.
  • Aims to address the stark inequalities prevalent in traditional economic models.


  • Promotes responsible use of resources and emphasizes environmental stewardship.
  • Acknowledges the importance of sustainable practices for the well-being of the planet and future generations.

Knowledge Commons

Sharism encourages the creation of knowledge commons, shared spaces where information is freely available to everyone. This stands in contrast to more proprietary or closed approaches to knowledge and information.

A New Ideology for the Future - A Comparative Analysis

Sharism, as a burgeoning ideology, stands distinctively amidst the established socio-political-economic ideologies. In this comparative analysis, we delve into how Sharism contrasts with and aligns with various ideologies, including Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, and Conservatism.

Sharism as a Response:

Sharism positions itself as a transformative path forward, challenging the core tenets of traditional economic systems. By proposing a framework centered on collaboration, openness, equity, and sustainability, Sharism offers a potential solution to the profound contemporary problems. It invites individuals and communities to reimagine a future where the collective well-being takes precedence, and economic models prioritize collaboration over competition.

Contemporary Challenges and the Need for a New Ideology:

In the face of the digital revolution and the rise of Artificial Intelligence, current global leadership finds itself ill-equipped with traditional ideological tools. The failures of both past communism and recent capitalism have left a void in terms of a suitable ideology for managing the emerging digital-based society.

Historical Context:

Throughout human history, various socio-political-economic ideologies have emerged in response to changing circumstances. These ideologies, acting as guiding threads, have shaped past societies by introducing new values and models that guide their present and future.

Communism and capitalism, born as contingent solutions during the industrial revolution, addressed the economic shifts brought about by new machines and technological innovations. The transition from craftsmanship to large-scale industrial production significantly contributed to the modernization of societies.

The Birth of a Vision: Evolution of Ideologies

In the journey of human history, ideologies have served as guiding principles, shaping societies, influencing individual values, and providing a framework for navigating the complexities of the world. The evolution of ideologies reflects the dynamic nature of human thought and societal structures. This chapter explores the historical context and the transformative phases that led to the emergence of Sharism as a distinct and contemporary ideology.

Comparative Summary

- Collaboration Over Competition: Sharism contrasts with the competitive nature of capitalism and introduces collaboration as a central tenet.
- Equity and Fair Access: Similar to socialism, Sharism values equity but navigates beyond traditional state-centric models.
- Individual Rights with a Collective Focus: Aligning with liberalism, Sharism values individual rights but encourages contributions to collective well-being.
- Adaptability and Grassroots Collaboration: Sharism shares progressivism's commitment to positive change but emphasizes decentralized, grassroots collaboration.
- Individual Responsibility with a Collaborative Ethos: While conservatism values individual responsibility, Sharism introduces collaboration and shared prosperity.

Through this comparative analysis, we gain insights into how Sharism presents a unique ideology, addressing contemporary challenges with a focus on collaboration, openness, equity, and sustainability.

Sharism and Business

In the context of business, the principles of sharism can be applied to foster innovation, collaboration, and sustainable practices. Discover how business fits into the framework of sharism here Sharism and Business

While adopting sharism principles in business can lead to numerous benefits, it also requires a careful balance between openness and protecting sensitive information. Companies need to navigate the challenges of sharing while maintaining ethical standards, privacy, and intellectual property rights.

Sharism and Social

Sharism, as a philosophy emphasizing collaboration, openness, and shared prosperity, has significant implications for social dynamics. Here's how Sharism intersects with various aspects of social interactions: Sharism and Social

While sharism promotes positive aspects of social collaboration, it also raises questions about privacy, individual rights, and the balance between open sharing and personal boundaries. These considerations remain essential in navigating the evolving landscape of social interactions in a sharism-inspired context.

Sharism and Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future

Sharism and Artificial Intelligence (AI) represent two influential forces shaping the future of societies and technology. Each brings a unique perspective and set of principles, and their intersection holds the potential for transformative changes in the way we collaborate, innovate, and navigate the evolving landscape of the digital era. Here about Sharism and Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future

Sharism and Finance

Creating a financial system for sharism involves establishing mechanisms that align with the principles of open collaboration, resource sharing, and community well-being. Here's an outline for a finance system within the context of sharism: Sharism and Finance

= Sharism and Crypto

Implementing a financial system for sharism requires active community involvement, transparency, and a commitment to shared values. Regular evaluations and adjustments are crucial to ensure that financial activities align with the principles of sharism and contribute to the well-being of the entire community.