Key Tenets of Sharism

From SharismWiki

Key Tenets of Sharism:

While sharism has positive connotations related to collaboration and the democratization of information, it also raises questions about privacy, intellectual property, and the potential for information overload. Balancing the benefits of sharing with individual rights and responsibilities remains a topic of discussion in the evolving landscape of information sharing and digital collaboration.


  • Emphasizes working together to solve challenges, share resources, and achieve collective goals.
  • Encourages a shift from individual success to a model where prosperity is intertwined with the greater good of the community.


  • Advocates for transparency in information sharing, fostering trust and promoting innovation.
  • Challenges the conventional idea of hoarding knowledge and resources in favor of open collaboration.=== 4. Open Source ===
  • The open-source movement aligns with the principles of sharism. It involves making source code freely available for others to view, modify, and distribute, allowing for continuous improvement and innovation.


  • Ensures fair access to resources and opportunities for all members of society.
  • Aims to address the stark inequalities prevalent in traditional economic models.


  • Promotes responsible use of resources and emphasizes environmental stewardship.
  • Acknowledges the importance of sustainable practices for the well-being of the planet and future generations.

Knowledge Commons

Sharism encourages the creation of knowledge commons, shared spaces where information is freely available to everyone. This stands in contrast to more proprietary or closed approaches to knowledge and information.